Saturday, November 06, 2004


-- no matter how dim it may be -- it is our sacred responsibility to fan it into whatever flame it conceivably may develop. VIKTOR LOWENFELD

In many ways, art therapy is a paradox . . . it is both extremely old and very young. Art for healing is as ancient as the drawings on the walls of caves, yet the discipline itself is still a youth in the family of mental health professions.

Similarly, art therapy is primal, while at the same time it is highly sophisticated--since making pictures appeals to a wide range of living creatures, from apes to artists.

Because art therapy is extremely versatile, it has many, many faces. Some are young, some are old; but all can use art as a second language, a way to cope with pain.

Art therapy is vital for those who are unable to speak, like people with aphasia or with elective mutism. At the same time, it is extremely helpful for those who are articulate, who use words easily to hide from their emotions.

Art in psychotherapy can help people to see what they are feeling and thinking.


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