Saturday, March 26, 2005

Woops. Some email fumbles between accounts.

The email account,, should be working as planned now. There was a bit of a backlog in recent weeks. Sorry. None of the emails were not lost. But, the email was sitting in a que. That has now been fixed.

We're catching up. Sorry for the delay. It shouldn't occur again.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

R.G. Ley: One cannot use a left hemispheric key to open a right hemispheric lock.

It is very difficult for patients to recover in psychotherapy when a pre-verbal or any traumatic memory is encoded in images, rather than in words. The same is true of our nightly thinking in dreams.

We experience [a dream] predominantly in visual images. Part of the difficulty of
giving an account of dreams is due to our having to translate these images into words. “I could draw it,” a dreamer often says to us, “but I don’t know how to say it.” SIGMUND FREUD

Art therapy has grown rapidly since it became a profession in the middle of the 20th century. One reason is that creating art is a way of thinking – in images, as well as with the hands. Art also offers a way of feeling and a way of knowing. In psychotherapy, which is usually done with words alone, art gives clients a new and useful way to listen – with their eyes.


-- no matter how dim it may be -- it is our sacred responsibility to fan it into whatever flame it conceivably may develop. VIKTOR LOWENFELD

In many ways, art therapy is a paradox . . . it is both extremely old and very young. Art for healing is as ancient as the drawings on the walls of caves, yet the discipline itself is still a youth in the family of mental health professions.

Similarly, art therapy is primal, while at the same time it is highly sophisticated--since making pictures appeals to a wide range of living creatures, from apes to artists.

Because art therapy is extremely versatile, it has many, many faces. Some are young, some are old; but all can use art as a second language, a way to cope with pain.

Art therapy is vital for those who are unable to speak, like people with aphasia or with elective mutism. At the same time, it is extremely helpful for those who are articulate, who use words easily to hide from their emotions.

Art in psychotherapy can help people to see what they are feeling and thinking.

content for Art Theraby Has Many Faces

1. The Sources of Art Therapy

  • The Origins and Roots of Art Therapy

  • 2. Art Therapy
  • An Idea Whose Time Had Come

  • 3. Art Therapy Has Many Faces
  • People of All Ages and Conditions

  • Art in the Presence of Another

  • Doing and Reflecting

  • 4. The Art of Art Therapy
  • Setting the Stage

  • Evoking Expression

  • Facilitating Expression

  • Facilitating Reflection

  • 5. Approaches to Art Therapy
  • Psychodynamic

  • Humanistic

  • Cognitive

  • Expressive Therapy

  • Family Art Therapy

  • Group Art Therapy

  • 6. Art Therapy Has Grown
  • Development of the Field

  • Settings, Populations, Expansion

  • 7. Why Has Art Therapy Grown So Fast?
  • Art Comes Naturally

  • It Engages the Whole Person

  • Safe Regression & Aggression

  • Art Can Express the Inexpressible

  • Art Helps to Heal Trauma
  • Background

    Expressive Media, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster the growth of therapeutic art programs in both clinical and non-clinical settings-in order to assist those in pain, to enhance personal growth, to inspire creativity, and to benefit the wider community.

    The goal is to extend the healing power of the arts to more human beings; and to help those who provide them to do so with sensitivity and respect. We are therefore creating films and other materials in order to educate students, professionals, and others on the therapeutic value of the arts.

    The need to make the healing power of the arts available to all people in pain is more urgent than ever. The arts offer a universal language with which to find and articulate a person's authentic Self. The arts also allow us to speak to others and to hear their responses, regardless of cultural difference or geographical distance.

    Monday, November 01, 2004

    DVD cover art - MR version 1

    The cover art for both the DVD and VHS is on this web site: Same too for the DVD and VHS inserts.

    Thursday, October 14, 2004

    Film night at University of Pittsburgh

    An audience of 160 gathered on October 13, 2004, on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh to see the screening of the newest film from Dr. Rubin, Art Therapy Has Many Faces.

    Admission was $25. A pannel of experts and discussion was held before and after the film.